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We have several unique proprietary technology assets which service the different aspects of our continuum. If the technology used cannot, a) immediately execute to engage the patient based on surfaced gaps in care, b)
based on that individual patient's medical necessity, c) in the background away from the provider's workflow, and d) without labor costs, to us it is worthless. Data for data's sake means nothing. Our data sources and algorithms must be functional and actionable. Please review the summaries and links below. Thank you!
There are three levels of data analysis
1. How does CMS view that practice in 46 categories? AWV, CCM, and RPM represent only three of these targets for grading. This is post-pay data and shows RAF scores and missed mandated services and the revenue associated.
2. Our proprietary algorithms then analyze the current data in real-time to update which way the provider is trending since the last CMS “Report Card”.
3. We then analyze billing data to see if there are disconnects between what the provider believes they are doing and what they are actually getting credit and revenue for.
The cross-section of this data gives is the true picture of where the provider sits with regard to compliance and revenue, and then launches our solutions.
This is the core competency learning platform for our Virtual Support Network (VSN) providers. There are 22 individual video lessons walking our VSN providers through the various screenshots of the application progression.
Learn more about our blockchain security technology, how we work with Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and about our very own registered token/cryptocurrency, HLX (Health Life Exchange).
Performance and grading data on 1,040,000 providers including RAF scores, total missed revenue for missed mandated services and current compliance standings on 16 Quality Care Measures
Originally built for T-Mobile, this app allows consumers to store and share all of their patient records in one secure place on their devices, instead of spreading across the many outside password protected patient portals of providers and facilities.
Connect to many free and discounted health and life access services connected via the Precision Health Access phone app.
Patient Records Ownership Actions Conservation Trust is a 5013c nonprofit that utilizes Public Service Announcements (PSAs) to message nonprofits and large organizations, their members and clients, about patient's rights to own and control their own records outside of password protected patient portals.
Precision Value Based Management
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