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This group is dedicated to working with Specialists to help them meet their unique needs. Like Precision Provider Services, the focus is on understanding and achieving success as the client defines it. Importantly however, from a service delivery standpoint, the focus is more narrowly on those services that are appropriate for a Specialist to deliver within the remote health care space. Typically, these are services like Chronic Care Management or Remote Patient Monitoring.
But those basic services are just the beginning. This group also works with Specialists to strengthen the relationship between their practice and their referral partners, like Primary Care Providers and other trade group organizations. By leveraging the referral capabilities of the PHMP, a Specialist can create a virtual Referral Network that can combine the advantages of improved referrals management across disparate entities with the power of PPS to coordinate appropriate remotely delivering the continuum of remotely delivered car services to their co-managed patients.
This not only creates excellent alignment of incentives from a reimbursement standpoint, but also a shared knowledge of patient status. Combined, this improves communication, patient engagement, and outcome. Scalable interoperability at the community level leveraging sustainable and user-friendly tools is the goal and together, that is what can be achieved when a client leverages the power of the Precision Health Model.
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